If it’s your first time reading, welcome to Other Mother! I created this platform to be a place to discover conscious content during your commute. As we know, times have changed but find the silver lining, instead of reading on the MTA, you can now enjoy from the comfort of your couch while you curl up, sweats-clad with your to-go margarita.
Jokes aside, I have a looming feeling of “How do I still care for the planet while also caring for myself and others right now by staying home?” If you feel the same, why not use this time to educate yourself? Just because it seems that normal-life as we knew it has bid adieu, now, is not the time to forget about Climate change. We’re actually seeing signs that social distancing might fight climate change too.

Be safe, be kind, stay home and respect your mother 🌎
Conscious content for self-isolation
7 Documentaires you now have time to watch
Listen to Zero Waste Activist, Lauren Singer, on Friend of a Friend podcast
Climate-activist Celine Semaan talks to Vogue
American Adapts, a podcast dedicated to climate change
Vox breakdowns how our clothes are made of plastic
Conscious Chatter speaks to Everlane about their radical transparency
How to get supplies while staying-home and being sustainable
Flexing your cooking skills at home? Reduce food waste and get produce delivered to you with Misfits Market, use code COOKWME-AF6VJP for 25% off your first box 🥕
Waste-free delivery company, Loop, has all the necessities from in-stock Clorox wipes(!!) to ice-cream 🍦
Get package-free groceries with the newly launched Wally Shop
Stay caffeinated with Vega Coffee- roasted to order, their farmers earn more, and right now they are offering 30%-50% off since we all need coffee to get through this ☕️
Boost your immune system with Elderberry Moringa, you can also use it to make quarantinis 🍸30% off too!
Clean more while using less single-use plastic with Blueland’s refillable cleaning kits
You probably don’t *need* another pair of sweats but if that’s what will get you through this, For Days is closed-loop, v cozy and now making masks for medical workers
If you’re using this time at home to clean out and organize, here are some places to donate or recycle your items so they don’t end up in a landfill ♻️
Send shoes to Nisolo in any condition and receive a credit to shop their ethically made products
Send clothing and accessories to ThreadUp and receive gift cards to Reformation
Donate old towels and sheets to animal shelters, check with your local shelter first to see what they will take 🐶
Save your empty beauty product containers to bring to Credo stores- they will be recycled with Terracycle, and you score points for clean-beauty samples 💄 (examples of what you can bring: shampoo bottles, lipstick, toothpaste, makeup- it doesn’t have to be purchased from Credo!)
Send old tights/hosiery to Sweedish Stockings and receive a discount to purchase their sustainably made products
Ship old bras, in any condition, to The Bra Recyclers. If it’s gently used they will donate to women and girls escaping domestic violence. If it’s seen better days they will properly recycle to keep all textiles out of landfills 👙
Send jewelry you no longer wear to Indigo Rescue, they re-sell it to raise funds to rescue shelter animals and place them in loving homes
Donate your wedding dress or accessories to Brides Across America who provides weddings for military & first responders families another great option is Brides Against Breast Cancer
The bridesmaid dress you probably won’t ever wear again or the prom dress you really won’t wear again can have a second life with Prom Closets 👗
Donate suitcases and duffel bags to Suitcases of Hope to support foster children who are uprooted from their homes
Electronics like phones and hairdryers cannot go in your home recycle bins but need to be kept out of landfills, you can schedule pick-ups or find a drop-off recycling location with All Green 🖨
Something not on the list, send an email! Need more to read? You can find previous editions of Other Mother here 🌎